Jade Branch Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine
susan@jadebranch.com / 207.922.7699
What to Expect
Arrive for your appointment on time. Arriving late shortens your treatment.
First-time patients, please print and fill out all four forms on the Paperwork page or arrive 20-to-30 minutes early to fill out paperwork.
Wear loose-fitting clothing with pant legs and sleeves that can be easily rolled up and a shirt with a loose neck.
Be well-hydrated and have a snack before the treatment.
We refuse treatment to anyone who has been drinking or who is under the influence of drugs.
Please turn off all electronic devices BEFORE entering the clinic. Treatment time is a time for healing and serenity.
A typical appointment begins with an interview to review the patient's health history. The pulse will be palpated and the tongue observed. Next, the acupuncturist will choose a treatment plan. During the treatment, very fine solid stainless steel needles are inserted into the acupoints and left in for approximately 30-45 minutes while you relax. It is common to feel a heavy, dull, aching, or tingling sensation at the needle insertion site. This is your body getting Qi.